One of the biggest struggles in warehousing today is storage space, or lack thereof. Many businesses are facing the daunting task of having to relocate to accommodate the expansion of their business. Not only is relocating your warehouse a huge inconvenience that can interrupt your business for weeks, it also comes with a hefty price tag.
But, what if there was a way to double, triple, or even quadruple your storage space without relocating?
Raised Storage Areas
A raised storage area, or warehouse mezzanine floor, is a freestanding structure that is supported by a pallet racking system. As a pallet racking derived structure, a raised storage area is a cost efficient way to increase the storage capacity of a warehouse without using extra floor space or having to relocate.
Raised storage areas take advantage of the unused vertical space found in most warehouses. Any business owner will make sure that each square metre of floor space is in use before considering relocation. However, the space above the storage system is often left forgotten and unused.
Essentially, a raised storage area increases storage capacity by taking advantage of the empty air space that you are already paying for.
The Benefits Of A Raised Storage Area
Increase Storage Capacity
If you have unused airspace in your warehouse, a raised storage area is the solution to your storage struggles. In fact, a single level raised storage area can double the current storage capacity of your warehouse.
And, depending on the amount of airspace available, you can add multiple levels to your raised storage area that can increase floor space and storage by up to 100% with each new level!
Save Money While Expanding
Australian business owners are constantly faced with the decision to either slow the expansion of their business or face the huge out of pocket expense that comes with warehouse relocation. Fortunately, a raised storage area allows for expansion, without the huge expense and loss of business that comes with a warehouse relocation.
Why relocate to a larger, more expensive, warehouse when there is unused airspace in the warehouse that you’re already paying for. And as a pallet racking derived structure, raised storage areas are also extremely cost effective.
Improve Productivity
Optimising the storage system of any warehouse is an easy way to boost the productivity of your workers. One way to do this is through the use of a raised storage area. Some pallet racking manufacturers, including MACRACK, build raised storage areas with built-in heavy-duty, longspan shelving that will instantly increase the hand-picking capability, and subsequent productivity, of your warehouse workers.
Expand Without Relocating
Warehouse relocation can be a costly operation. Not only will you lose out on any business that you would have received during the time that your new warehouse is being set up, relocation often requires a new racking system to fit the dimensions of the new space.
On top of the huge out of pocket expense of relocating your warehouse, relocation can also have lasting repercussions on your business. For example, loss of local business. It is unlikely that you will find a new warehouse in the same area as your current warehouse. This means that when you relocate your warehouse you could lose valuable customers to other local competitors.
A raised storage area means that you won’t have to relocate. This means that your business will be able to expand while maintaining your local customers and the benefits of the local presence you worked so hard to build.
Highly Customisable
There is no single solution to suit every company when it comes to warehouse storage. Luckily, raised storage areas are highly customisable and can be built to the exact specifications of your warehouse or racking system. This ensures that you can get exactly what you need without having to make unsafe modifications to the structure or your floor.
Whether you need a timber or a steel floor, underneath or above floor shelving, or even multiple levels, a raised storage area can be custom built to suit your requirements.
If you’re looking for a cost-efficient way to expand your business and improve warehouse operations, a raised storage area is the solution.
With over 40 Years of manufacturing experience, MACRACK build high-quality, low-cost raised storage areas that will increase the storage capacity of your warehouse.
Case Study – NIOA
Click here to see how MACRACK increased NIOA’s floor space by the equivalent of 3 football fields with the addition of a customised raised storage area.